This is where your journey will begin... By BUILDING YOUR FOUNDATION. From your training, your nutrition, and your lifestyle design, it's all built within the FOUNDATION Phase.
Our "Main Strength" program builds will help you build a body capable of just about anything life throws your way. This the highest level of programming we offer that will give you wide variety of movement complexity, performance, plus fun and exciting workout intensities.
Our "STRONG KIDS" program is developed specifically for Kids and Teens ages 9-13 years old. It is a character-driven, level-based system that progresses your child at their own pace through our athletic and personal development training.
Our unique LIFESTYLE program designed for specifically for DADS that not only helps them destroy the DAD BOD for good, but also helps them get a solid handle on the craziness that DAD LIFE brings as well.
Just like our Forged FATHER PROJECT, but made for MOMS. STRONG MOMS is all about helping women take back control of themselves so they can be and do more for everyone else around them.
FREE yourself from DIETS and strict meal plans FOREVER. With Forged FUEL you work directly with a coach so you can get the accountability and extra support needed to reach your goals through customized NUTRITION